
Derma-e Skin Care Body Lotion Psorzema Review

Derma-e Skin Care Body Lotion Psorzema
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Putting the X in eczema and other bad skin issues... Aidan, my boy, has had mild/moderate eczema from birth, and it's been a four letter word in our household ever since.

I have pretty good skin and on average I don't *need* lotion. My husband uses lotion every day, but I wouldn't say he necessarily needs it either... maybe it's more habit than anything.But our boy, well,he's quite different.

When he was born, I knew he didn't have that "baby soft" skin, but didn't think much more of it , until his first real doctors visit. The pediatrician said he had "mild eczema", that he needed to be put on steroid creams etc etc. I don't like steroids, so I declined and went on a search of a more natural approach. *the month they tried to put my son on a steriod cream, the FDA pulled the steriod for being "carcinogenic" at high doses in lab rats.UGGGGH.

Every morning and evening we slather Aidan from head to toe in lotion to keep his skin from cracking and itching.Every day of his little life.He hates it, it's cold, it's annoying, we've tried every way....lotioning him up while he's wrapped in a towel, having a heater on etc.But all in all, with two other children to deal with it's just easier to make him endure the chill and let him "air out" before we put his clothes or jammies on. Our other girls don't have skin issues...so it's just poor Aidan.My little buddy. Each morning we put lotion on him and by the end of the day he is dry and feels like an alligator. I longed for a cure. Something that would alleviate this twice a day madness...

Anyway, we've used this lotion, that lotion, this soap, that soap, this home remedy, that home remedy... and finally FINALLY we've found something that works that is not a steroid cream, not filled with ingredients that I can't pronounce, made up of mainly herbs and it WORKS.I am so excited.THRILLED as a matter of fact.

It's called Psorzema Body Lotion.It is made by a company called Derma e (their website is www.dermae.net).

Anyway, I was looking at the hundreds of dry skin magic potion lotions at the local health food/vitamin shop, thinking to myself, none of this works!! I paid for it and had my doubts.

The first day, we put it on his legs.It didn't burn (some lotions burn if they have ingredients in them that get into the tiny cracks in eczema wrought skin). The second day I noticed the skin on his legs wasn't quite flaking the way it generally does.It was doing something! Yay!

Well, anyway, we've used it for a few weeks now, his skin has become baby butt soft and it looks as though it is also helping with a different type of skin issue he's had for the past 6 months called "molluscum".Children who have eczema are more likely to get this skin virus than other children (my daughters don't have it). Anyway, this skin disorder has rocked his already bad enough skin. It causes little bumps to appear under the skin that get red and angry, get worse if you scratch them..they can stay for up to 7 years.Yeah, 7 years of bumps on your baby that don't go away and are contagious if your body doesn't have an immunity to it.Any kid can carry it, any kid can get it, especially toddlers. It's terrible. There are a few treatments for molluscum, but they are pretty invasive (cutting, burning, or steriod creams) and I wasn't looking forward to any of them.I had hoped this new lotion would help his eczema and in turn maybe "calm down" the angry molluscum issue.

Anyway, we've been treating Aidan's poor skin for both skin issues and with all the research I have done and all the remedies I have tried on him, I have found that this lotion has helped the most!!The eczema is all but gone and the molluscum looks to be drying up or his body is recognizing the virus and fighting it.

Psorzema...if any of you have children with Eczema or Molluscum, this is your new favorite friend.

********** EDIT as of March 21st, 2008****************

The molluscum is gone.The eczema is gone.Psorzema Body Lotion is our hero!!!

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Product Description:
Derma e Psorzema Body Lotion is a safe and effective blend of herbal extracts and vitamins that provide natural relief from symptoms of scaling, flaking itching, and the irritated dry skin associated with these conditions. Neem, Burdock, Bearberry, and Vitamins A and E are among the many healing natural ingredients that are used in this soothing therapeutic body lotion. Contains no coal or pine tars, no steroids and is readily absorbed with no unpleasant scent. No animal testing. Made in USA.

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